
I'm embarking on a new attempt at blogging. Featuring brevity in text, precision in photography and tardiness in posting, First Person Dilatory will be less a record of day-to-day happenings. Instead, my hope is for a more reflective and accessible medium. Images accompanied by thoughts and anecdotes ought to provide a way to share and, in the comments section, discuss some of my experiences. With regards to posting, my intent is to catch up to the present day at some point in the future.

Newest posts are at the top of the page. I appreciate any feedback and hope you will join me in this endeavor. Please comment!

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From July 30, 2013

Here we are with one of the poor souls we accosted for information. We approached individuals in five different areas of the park to ask if they would participate in our study. While also conveniently located along our backpacking route, surveying in these varying areas was critical in our attempt to capture a full range of visitors to Yosemite. One measure of how much visiting is worth to someone is how much they paid to get there: their travel costs. We also asked how much those travel costs could have increased by for them still to have come, establishing a conservative minimum for what a park visit is worth. One of our findings was that visiting Yosemite was worth almost twice as much to backpackers as it was to non-backpackers. I'm biased, but my takeaway from that is that more people ought to try backpacking.
Photo taken by Kyle Ryan

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