
I'm embarking on a new attempt at blogging. Featuring brevity in text, precision in photography and tardiness in posting, First Person Dilatory will be less a record of day-to-day happenings. Instead, my hope is for a more reflective and accessible medium. Images accompanied by thoughts and anecdotes ought to provide a way to share and, in the comments section, discuss some of my experiences. With regards to posting, my intent is to catch up to the present day at some point in the future.

Newest posts are at the top of the page. I appreciate any feedback and hope you will join me in this endeavor. Please comment!

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From July 6, 2013

Before heading home, I spent a few more days on Eleuthera, where we were hosting the Bahamas' Conference of the Methodist Church's annual summer camp for the local kids. On our day off between the two weeks of camp, I went with some of the other interns to one of the island's blue holes. A blue hole (described more thoroughly here) is essentially a vertical cave that, when inland, makes a fantastic swimming hole. This one was a ways into the bush; it was neat walking through the trees and then seeing the ground drop down to glittering, clear blue water.

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