
I'm embarking on a new attempt at blogging. Featuring brevity in text, precision in photography and tardiness in posting, First Person Dilatory will be less a record of day-to-day happenings. Instead, my hope is for a more reflective and accessible medium. Images accompanied by thoughts and anecdotes ought to provide a way to share and, in the comments section, discuss some of my experiences. With regards to posting, my intent is to catch up to the present day at some point in the future.

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From August 31, 2013

Galena is a village of around 400 inhabitants, making it one of the two largest villages in the Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area in Alaska. The nearest major city is Fairbanks, almost 300 air miles due east. Galena is closer to the Arctic circle than any official road outside the village. To see Galena on a map, click here. An Air Force base in Galena resulted in the construction of a large runway, but the base has been decommissioned and is now used as a vocational boarding school for students throughout the Alaskan interior. Among many other great opportunities, students can earn their pilot's license for free through through one of the school's programs. A much higher percentage of Alaskans are pilots than elsewhere in the States, particularly due to the convenience and practicality of float planes. These planes can be kept close to homes, on long ponds, such as the one pictured here. The bridge in this picture was washed away from the flooding despite this pond not being connected to the Yukon River.

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